PM3 Laboratory Projects
The PM3 Computational Medicine laboratory in Victoria Hospital Kidney Clinical Research Unit (Director: Dr. Christopher W. McIntyre) is led by Dr. Sanjay R. Kharche. All studies are computational in nature, do not use sensitive data, and are not expected to require ethics permissions for the foreseeable future.
Current Projects
Investigating the structural and electrophysiology multi-physics causes of arrhythmia due to dialysis.
Metabolism and clearance of drugs in livers and kidneys.
An in silico efficient method to assess FFR using CT imaging. External collaborator: Dr. Ting-Yim Lee, Robarts.
Simulation of aortic dissection risk. External collaborator: Dr. Geoffrey Pickering.
Human cerebral abnormalities due to Circle of Willis variations. External collaborator: Drs. Udunna Anazodo, Tamie Poepping, Donald G. Welsh.
Oxygen distribution in sepsis affected microvasculature networks of the rat skeletal muscle. External collaborator: Dr. Barry Janssen.
Reconstruction of human and mouse organ shapes from NIH Visible Human Data sets.
In silico construction of the 3D mouse heart using super high resolution imaging data: cell model family to ECG.
​Laboratory Contacts
Team leader: Dr. Sanjay R. Kharche, email: , ,
Phone: 1-519-685-8500 ext. 56047.
Project manager: Dr. Kapiraj Chandrabalan, email: .